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A Summons to Mission


As soon as she realizes who Jesus is and what he means, the woman puts down the water jar and goes into town to proclaim the Lord. The jar symbolizes the rhythm of concupiscent desire, her daily return to worldly goods in a vain attempt to assuage her spiritual hunger. How wonderful that, having met the source of living water, she is able to set aside her addictions and to become, herself, a vehicle of healing for others. The very best definition of evangelization that I’ve heard is this: one starving person telling another starving person where to find bread. We will be ineffective in our evangelizing work if we simply talk, however correctly, about Jesus in the abstract. Our words of proclamation will catch fire precisely in the measure that we have been liberated and transformed by Christ. "


-Bishop Robert Barron


 reflect and share 

This year, Niagara Catholic's theological theme focuses on planting seeds of faith as disciples rooted in the mission of Christ. When we are spiritually nourished, we, like the Samaritan woman, should be running to share the Good News of Christ with others. 


How can you share the Good News of Christ, in word and action, with the students, staff, and families you encounter in your work?


Are there any barriers that may prevent you from being a witness of Christ?


Brainstorm some solutions to those barriers and share both with your Chaplaincy Leader!



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